Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Major web solutions
Web design projects
Software solutions
C# (Microsoft .NET)
Dynamic HTML
Perl & CGI
C | C++
Vector Markup Language
Wap Development
Web site promotion
Web Marketing
• Blog System
• Real Estate Portal
• JobSite Professional
• Car Portal
• PHP Mall
• Jobs Portal

Cellpak web solution created by Anton Zamov in '2003 for Cellpak Australia
1. CELLPAK application online demo
2. Main features of the CELLPAK Application
3. General description of the user interface and the administration module
4. How to use the Page Editor to edit the pages content?
1. CELLPAK application online demo
User Interface :
Administration module :
user : demis
password : demis
2. Main features of the CELLPAK Application
- Fully customizable web user interface, template based main
- Possibility to add/edit/delete the pages of the web site
- Possibility to create pages using predefined web templates
(making the adding of a lot of similar pages very fast)
- A unique WYSIWYG editor with windows "look and feel" interface allowing
the editing of the pages as simple as with a powerful standalone HTML editor
- Mailing list , allowing the visitors to subscribe to the mailing list in order
to receive regularly information for the new products, promotions etc
- Advanced contact information processing functionality
- Automatic generation of the web site navigation menus
3. General description of the user interface and the administration module
The CELLPAK application is composed of two main parts - user interface and administration
module :
Fig.1 View of the home page of the user interface with the basic layout
Fig.2 View of one of the pages the administration module
The user interface is composed of the following parts:
Flash animations - We should put here a flash animation presenting the CELLPAK activities.
Menu - Dynamically created. (see below for more information)
Main content are - The main layout for every page
Others - other additional features
Fig.1A User Interface structure
How to add a new page to my web site?
In order to add a new page to your web site, you should
open the administration module of the application and go
to the "Add page" tab.
The "Add page" form contains the following fields:
Page Name : The name of the page, this name will appear in the
title of the html page in the user interface.
Page Description : Description of the page; this information does not
appear in the user interface, however it would be useful for a better orientation
of the web site administrator.
Link Text : The link for the pages in the navigation menu are automatically
created when adding a new page, please specify in this field the text of the link
for the page you want to add
Page Type : There are two types of pages in the application - Main pages and pages
which are sub pages of other main Pages. Example : Imagin that you have
one "Products" page and several product information pages that you want to add to your web site
and which are hierarchically Childs of the "Products" page; in this case you should
create one main page "Products" and several sub pages of this main page by specifying
the suitable type using this form
Page Content : You have two possibilities when creating a new page - to create
a blank page or to create a page using some of the predefined HTML templates, which
will automatically insert the HTML code of the template into the content of your new pages.
Fig.3 "Add page" tab in the administration module
By adding a new web page to the web site a link to this page
will be automatically created in the navigation menu. When
adding a page you can choose the page layout from the template
collection currently contained in your database or create a blank
page and fill the content of the page using the Page Editor.
How to edit/delete/preview the pages contained in my web site?
In order to add a new page to your web site, you should
open the administration module of the application and go
to the "Edit" tab.
Fig.4 "Edit" tab in the administration module
For every page you can click on the following icons:
Preview : Opens page in normal view, as the visitors of the web site will see it.
Edit : Opens the page editors with a WYSIWYG interface
Fig.5 Page editor, allowing the administrator to edit the page content
Delete : Delete the selected page
Fig.6 Before you delete the page you have to confirm it, by clicking "Yes" in this popup window.
How to add new templates to my web site?
Fig.7 "Templates" tab in the administration module.
The purpose of the use of templates is to allow the administrator
to create easily a lot of pages which have a similar look (content).
When you create a new page from template, the template HTML source
will be inserted automatically in the new page source which will give the
administrator to possibility to modify it after, in order to adjust the content
of the new page.
Actually a new template can be created only by providing a valid HTML source code -
for example a table with two columns, the first one containing product picture
and the second one product description.
Example of a simple template:
<table summary="" border="0">
<td> <img src="ProductImage.jpg"> </td>
<td> Product Description </td>
In order to add a new template in the database, please enter the template HTML
source in the form of the Template page in the administration module.
You have to enter also the template name and description.
How to view/delete the contact information?
Fig.8 "Contact" tab in the administration module.
The Contact page in the administration module give the administrator
possibility to view or delete the information send by the users from the
contact page of the web site.
How to view/delete/export in text file the mailing list?
Fig.9 "Mailing list" tab in the administration module.
All the users joined the mailing list are listed on this page. The
mailing list can be viewed/deleted or exported to a text file by clicking
on the "Export to text file button"
How to view/control the security features?
Fig.10 "Security" tab in the administration module.
The purpose of the security features integrated in this web solution
is the data protection and to prevent a potential site defacement.
Site defacement is a common occurrence on the Internet. Site defacement
is where a person, by various means, is able to edit the HTML code of
a web page and use it to display their own content. This attack is
usually more embarrassing than it is harmful, but this is not always the case.
A person with access to the source of a web page can do obvious
things like link to URLs containing malicious software or not-so-obvious
things such as display false statements on a companys website, thus
embarrassing the organization and possibly ruining its reputation.
4. How to use the Page Editor to edit the pages content?
General view of the page editor :
In order to make changes to the selected page, please use the functionality provided by
the Page editor bar :
General description of the buttons (actions) contained in the editor bar :
Save Page
saves the current page and store the new content in the database
cancel changes and reloads the original page
prints the page
cuts the selected text
copy current selection, you can use also CTRL+C
paste current selection, you can use also CTRL+V
undo the last action, you can use also CTRL+Z
redo the last operation
bold the selected text
make the selected text italic
underline the selected text
Strike through
strike through the selected text
Remove Text Formatting
removes all the text formatting from the selected text
left text alignment
center text alignment
right text alignment
Decrease indent
decreases indent
Increase indent
increases indent
Ordered list
inserts ordered list
Bulleted List
inserts bulleted list
Text color
allows you to modify the fore color of the current selection
The color selection tool will be opened when you click on this button :
The color selection tool let you choose the desired color :
Background Color
allows you to modify the background color (currently this option is deactivated)
Create Hyperlink
allows you to insert a hyperlink in the page
By clicking on this button the Hyperlink popup will be opened :
Please enter the link you want to create in the text box, the selected
text will be automatically changed into hyperlink pointing to the
Url provided by you :
Insert Image
allows you to insert Image in the page
By clicking on this button an internal popup allowing you to select
the image to insert will be opened :
Please select the image to insert by clicking first on the Browse button
and the Upload :
Horizontal Line
inserts horizontal line
makes the current selection appear in superscript
makes the current selection appear in subscript
Absolute positions
toggle absolute positions
Special characters menu
open special characters menu
You can choose the font family and size from the font menu in the editor bar :
