• Curriculum Vitae (CV)
• Major web solutions
• Web design projects
• Software solutions
• C# (Microsoft .NET)
• Dynamic HTML
• Perl & CGI
• C | C++
• Vector Markup Language
• Assembler
• Databases
• Wap Development
• Web site promotion
• Web Marketing

Anton Zamov - DHTML Guru , more than 5 years experience in client side programming
DHTML examples written by Anton Zamov
How to define a function that extends the capabilities of String objects? How to create a complex matrix transition? How to load web pages in an iframe? How to create a simple marquee in Internet Explorer? How to handle JavaScript errors? How to use the JavaScript regular expression replace method? How to execute a windows application from a client script using VBScript? How to create a DHTML expandable list (works only in Internet Explorer)? How to create a DHTML loading (progress) bar? How to create and use a simple JavaScript regular expression? How to create a simple image rollover with JavaScript? How to call an ASP.NET web service from client script? How to scroll a <div> ? How to create a DHTML tool tip functionality? How to strip HTML tags from a string with a simple regular expression using JavaScript?
How to write a Javascript code for adding a link to favorites.?
How to add a prototype to a JavaScript object?
How to assign a function to a variable with the JavaScript Function contructor?
Is it possible to nest functions in JavaScript?
Javascript Example: Is it possible to nest functions in JavaScript?
How to specify an event handler with a Function object?
How to add a prototype to a JavaScript object?
How to assign a function to a variable with the JavaScript Function contructor?
How to write a JavaScript function which checks for special symbols with regular expression?
How to get the code name of the browser of a visitor using Javascript?
How to get information for the user screen's display and colors with JavaScript?
How to create a custom Back button (which does the same as this in the browser)?
How to change the background of the page with JavaScript?
Are binary operators supported in JavaScript?
How to get a character on a specified position in a string?
How to get the number of parameters expected by a JavaScript function?
How to speicfy the color of the hypertext links with JavaScript?
How to get all the links on a HTML page with JavaScript?
If these examples were useful for you, please support my company and click Like on the button below.
Thank you very much!
Anton Zamov is a software engineer with more than 5 years of active
professional experience in development of web interfaces and solutions
using DHTML. Here are presented some of the
software solutions and products created by Anton Zamov, if you have questions concerning these
solutions please contact me.
Thesaurus tool - Web application with Windows look and feel interface?
Yes, it's possible!
Created by Anton Zamov at MetaGen Bulgaria, this tool is based on the
DHTML Windows library "ZXWin 1.0" developed by Anton Zamov.
The library allows the programmers to create web applications with DHTML
Windows look and feel interfaces. If you are interested in this library or the
creation of new DHTML server side web application, don't hesitate to
contact me.
Web Site Manager v1.1 - The ultimate tool for managing and supporting web sites
With its WYSIWYG interface, it has never been easier
to create or modify existing web pages.
Don't spend more money to web agencies when you need changes
to the content of your web site,
gain time and money with the this new, one of the most advanced web products
Read more about Web Site Manager v1.1
Genome Viewer - The most powerful tool for genetic visualizations
The Genome Viewer, created by
Anton Zamov at MetaGen Bulgaria, is the most powerful web solution for
displaying genetic information. It combines high quality
vector graphics (rendered with VML- Vector Markup Language)
and the latest technologies for web development, (ASP.NET for
accessing and sending genomic data to the client, and DHTML
to control and load asynchronously XML data).

Jobs Portal, poweful jobs board software
PHP Mall, multi vendors mall website software
Car Portal, php script for auto classifieds websites
NetArt Media, software products and services
Real Estate Portal, web software for real estate portals
Blog System, multi user blog hosting script
PHP Store, powerful e-commerce system written in PHP